Design Fiction / 2022
Group work
Course: Spatial Interaction Design
Time: Oct.2022 - Dec.2022
Location: National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Team Members: Chia-Jung Kuo, Yu-Jie, Liu
My Contribution: Concept Design, Prototype, Program & Circuit Design, Model Making, Video Making

Project Overview

INTERNEWRON is an interactive wearable device creates a tangible body boundary for people and aims to find out the most comfortable way of future social interaction. Interneuron connects human neurons so that human can react to outside stimulations; Like a part of the human body, INTERNEWRON acts as the second receptor and effector for people to express emotions toward physical contact.


How can people react to offensive touch?

Usually, people have physical contact with another person based on their relationships. For example, we will give our intimate friends a warm hug, but we might not do it to strangers. However, since the #MeToo movement started several years ago, we have seen there are still dozens of people overstepping the extent of physical contact their relationship allowed. As interaction designers, we kept thinking about how to draw people's attention to body boundaries.


Make people's reaction of being touched tangible.

What if we give animal characteristics for humans to express their feelings immediately?

Our idea came from animal instincts. Unlike wild animals who express their states with tails, ears, and fur, most people choose to endure uncomfortable physical contact under pressure and cannot refuse them instantly. Thus, we tried to build a new mechanism for people's reaction toward physical contact.

Think beyond 2023─Interact through technology

With the development of wearable technology, we imagined that wearable devices might become part of the human body after decades, which sparked our speculation about future human interactions. Therefore, we generated our concept by combining sci-fi style with animalistic elements of antennae and scales which symbolize communication and protection respectively.


① Paper mock-up

We tested the string-pulled structure. For each unit, we connected several paper scales with cotton thread. When the value FSR sensed excesses set amounts, the servo motor will turn 90 degrees, pull the thread and make the scale string flap. We found out that FSR could only sense force from vertical directions, but couldn't sense slight movements such as caresses. So, we turned to change another sensor with a higher sensitivity in the next prototype.

② Functional prototype

Continually, we experimented the Capacitive Sensing by sticking copper foils with capacititive sensor to trigger the movements of motors. The glue-stuck structure limited the scales' extent of flapping and reduced the conductivity, which drove us to explore a metal mesh structure of better stability and conductivity.

③ Final prototype & Mechatronics Design

We used aluminum sheets and mesh for electric conductivity. The amount and duration of the capacitance value which symbolize different kinds of touch will trigger servo motors, buzzers, and LED with differing instructions like people react to different situations.


SCENARIO ① : An acquaintance putting his/her arm around the shoulder


When someone appears in a certain distance, the RFID sensor will read his/her ID and determine which relationships are between them. If this person is recognized as an acquaintance, the antenna will display an orange light as an indication.


The capacitive sensor returns the capacitance value of scales periodically. When the scales receive touch, the value sensed changes, and the program will record the duration of the touch. If the movement exceeds the amount for the set time, which means that it's inappropriate for an acquaintance to do, the scales will flap severely and close instantly to represent resistance.


If the touch continues after STAGE 2's warning, the buzzer will alarm the person with an alert.

SCENARIO ② : Embracing a friend


If this person is recognized as a friend, the antenna would display green light as a greeting.


If the movement is considered an appropriate action, the scales will flutter gently to show happiness.


When two friends have been together comfortably for a long time, they can use a special song as a token of friendship: when the two antennas approach each other, the buzzers will play their ringtone simultaneously.


For the prototyping phase, we started by dichotomizing every decision. However, human interactions are intricate. For future improvement, we want to adopt RFID for real or try more intuitive methods to recognize users with more kinds of relationships. In addition, we will improve the interpretation of the capacitance value and add another sensor to reflect more complex human movements. We also think about the application of this concept to the fashion and performance industry so that more people can pay attention to body boundary issues.
